“I was blown away by the amount of options students have at The Journey Camp”
Daniel Stevanus - Youth Pastor - Mt Horeb United Methodist Church

A camp schedule should be full of intentional programming, activity, and learning opportunities, but sometimes it can be overwhelming. The Journey Camp takes pride in our tried and true schedule that offers all the fun you can handle, while still allowing down time to rest and recoup. Learn more below.

If you’ve ever been to The Journey Camp, you’d know that we care a lot about The Gospel being preached into the lives of students, and that’s why we dive in headfirst on the first night. Click below to learn more about our world-class speakers that will have you laughing til’ you cry, and crying til’ your free!
The Journey Camp offers numerous ways for your students to express themselves athletically. Some include Archery Tag, Soccer, Basketball, Ultimate Frisbee, Laser Tag, Bubble soccer, Volleyball, Dodge Ball, and various Sports Tournaments!
The Atlantic Ocean is right outside your window! Surfing, Body Boarding, Swimming, only you know your limits! Journey Camp Beach Week also provides engaging church group team games we call the Love Africa Relay!
Hilton Head offers so many fun activities for your church group to take part in during free times. Jet-Ski’s, shopping malls, tubing, porpoise sighting; you choose! Click the link below for awesome tourist attractions in the area!
4:00- 6:00 – Registration
7:00 – Leaders Meeting
8:00 – Session 1
10:00 – Late Night (pizza on the beach!)
11:00 – Small Group Time in condos
12:00 Lights Out

8:30 – Breakfast
9:45 – Session 2
11:00 – Small Groups
12:00 – Lunch
1:30 – Beach Games
2:30 – Free Time
6:00 – Dinner
7:30 – Session 3
9:30 – Church Group Time
10:30 – Late Night
11:30 – In Condos
12:00 – Lights Out

6:30AM Sunrise service & baptisms on the beach! (Chick-fil-A Biscuits in your mouth!)

Nathan speaks to over 100,000 people annually on college campuses, youth events, camps, retreats, D-now Weekends, and churches of different denominations. Audiences of all ages respond to his humor, passion for Christ, and clear style of presenting the Gospel. Nathan has jumped off cliffs, out of moving vehicles, and onto human beings during football games. He raced dirt bikes as a kid, speaks French fluently, and was almost killed by a lion in Botswana. When he was only 7 years old, Nathan saw his cat get struck by lightning, and to this day claims it was the best day of his life!
David Olshine is the director and professor of Youth Ministry at Columbia International University in South Carolina. David has spoken to over 2 million people in his career at churches, camps, retreats, and conferences. Dr. David (also known as “Shiner”) has authored 19 books, including the best selling series “Studies on the Go” and “Youth Ministry: What’s Gone Wrong and How to Get It Right.” David is married to Rhonda and has two great kids, Rachel and Andrew.


The Journey Camp band is comprised of some of the countries most gifted young adults whose hearts for Jesus outweigh their need for the spotlight. With training ranging from Maverick City all the way to American Idol, we're confident that your students will engage in worship to our God like never before. The Journey Camp offers an environment that often pulls even the most introverted individuals to join in.