Noritsu Qsf V30 Manual Pdf
Frankly speaking:Better to call out the service engineer who knows what to do and has all manuals.Your non-professional actions may lead to the sad final : or you might be injured or the lab will be dead.
Noritsu Qsf V30 Manual Pdf
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Despite their small size, minilab machines may use chemical processing just like larger dedicated photo processing labs, using processes such as CP-49E or RA-4 for photographic paper processing, and C-41 for film processing. All necessary processing chemicals may arrive in a box (replenishment cartridge) containing enough bleach, developer and fixing agents to be mixed automatically for an estimated amount of paper, eliminating the need to manually handle and mix chemicals.[1][2] Minilab machines were used in stores to perform film processing and printing in a short period of time, usually less than one hour from start of film development to the end of printing, partly because it eliminated the need to send rolls of film and printed photos to and from a large central photo processing lab.
35 mm films are pulled, this means all of the film is extracted from its roll. This can be done manually or by using a small machine that essentially uses tape to pull the film leader and all of the film out of the cassette. This small machine may be integrated into the film processor. If so, rolls are inserted inside a chamber, slot side towards the inside of the machine pointing downwards at an angle of 45, the chamber is closed and the film inside the rolls is pulled into the processing mechanism. In cases when the end of the film cannot be removed or if the film is damaged, the film can be removed using a dark bag or a dark box. Before processing, a twin check number (a pair of stickers with a unique number) is manually put onto the film and the matching number onto the film processing envelope, so that after processing this film can be easily identified to the customers envelope. Films are spliced on the leader cards one or two at a time, to do this the end of the film is cut square, special chemical-resistant tape is used to attach the film to the leader card. The leader cards are then inserted into the film processor mechanism and are fed through the machine using sprockets in the card. The film goes through a developer, bleach, fix and stabilizer, then through a dryer. After the film is processed it is cut from the leader card and reunited with the processing envelope containing the customer details, and then from here the film goes forward for printing. Alternatively the film may be used immediately to expose silver halide photographic paper, shining a bright light through the film and into the paper using lenses for optical enlarging, which is then processed like film in a separate mechanism. Or the film may be digitally scanned using a CCD image sensor, corrected using software, and sent to a digital silver halide printer.
This manual contains important safety information and should bemade available to all personnel who operate and/or maintain thisproduct. Carefully read this manual before attempting to operate orperform maintenance on this equipment.
NOTE: Read this manual and follow all instructions prior toinstalling or operating this compressor. These instructions,precautions and descriptions cover standard Quincy manufactured QSFseries air compressors. As a service to our customers, we oftenmodify or construct packages to the customers specifications. Thismanual may not be appropriate in those cases. Every effort has beentaken to ensure complete and correct instructions have beenincluded in this manual, however, possible product updates andchanges may have occurred since this printing. Quincy Compressorreserves the right to change specifications without incurring anyobligation for equipment previously or subsequently sold. Notresponsible for typographical errors.
Reference to the machine MODEL, SERIAL NUMBER and DATE OFORIGINAL START-UP must be made in all communication relative toparts orders or warranty claim. A model/serial number plate islocated on the frame and in the upper right corner inside of thecontrol panel door. SPARE PARTS ORDERING -- Quincy Compressormaintains replacement parts for Quincy compressors. A parts manualis shipped with all new machines. Order parts from your AuthorizedQuincy distributor. Use only genuine Quincy replacement parts.Failure to use genuine Quincy parts may void your warranty.
As the motor starts driving the compressor rotors, air is drawnin, compressed and discharged into the reservoir. When the airpressure in the reservoir exceeds the set point of the pilot valve(normally 100 PSIG), the valve opens and passes a controlled volumeof air to the inlet valve air cylinder. The air forces a piston tomove within the cylinder, closing the inlet valve. The compressorwill continue to run matching air demand with air delivery byconstantly adjusting the position of the inlet valve. The inletvalve regulates compressor capacity between 100% and nearly 0% ofrated delivery. When maximum pressure (typically 10 PSIG abovenormal full load pressure) has been obtained in the air system,complete compressor unloading occurs. The pressure transducerlocated in the control panel sends a signal to the control and thesolenoid valve opens, venting the residual pressure from theblowdown valve. At the same time, control air from the reservoircheck valve is directed through the solenoid to the inlet valve aircylinder. The inlet valve is held in a closed position, preventingthe intake of air into the compressor and serving as a check valvepreventing reverse air/fluid flow through the inlet valve and airfilter. See control schematic in parts manual.
A diagram of the electrical system is shown in the parts manualsent with the compressor. A wiring diagram is also included in thecontrol panel on all Quincy QSF compressors. NOTE: Due tocontinuing product improvements and updates, it is suggested thatthe wiring diagram included in the control panel be used whenservicing the electrical control. NOTE: Standard drive motors areopen drip proof 1800 RPM with a maximum ambient temperature ratingof 1040F. They are not suitable for salt laden, corrosive, dirty,wet or explosive environments. The QSF series compressors utilize460V incoming power through a magnetic motor starter. A transformerin the control panel reduces this voltage to 120 VAC for thevarious controls on the unit, which is then reduced to 24 volt forthe electronic controls. These controls include the pressuretransducer, high air temperature switch and probe, solenoid valveand the various indicator lights. Other incoming line voltages areavailable as options. The compressor is provided with a NEMA 1enclosure. Optional panels include NEMA 4. Air-cooled modelsutilize a second magnetic starter for the fluid cooler fan motor.If the fan motor starter overload trips out for any reason, thecompressor unit will shut down.
Guards All mechanical action or motion is hazardous in varyingdegrees and needs to be guarded. Guarding shall comply with OSHASafety and Health Standards 29 CFR 1910.219 in OSHA manual 2206Revised November 7, 1978 and any state or local codes.
Install a manual valve to vent the compressor and the compressordischarge line to atmosphere. In those instances where the airreceiver tank services a single compressor, the manual valve can beinstalled in the receiver. When a manual shut-off valve (blockvalve) is used, a manual valve should be installed upstream fromthe valve, and a pressure relief valve installed upstream from themanual vent valve. These valves are to be designed and installed asto permit maintenance to be performed in a safe manner. Neversubstitute a check valve for a manual shut-off valve (block valve)if the purpose is to isolate the compressor from a system forservicing.
Relieve compressor and system air pressure by opening theappropriate manual relief valve prior to servicing. Failure torelieve all system pressure could result in death, serious injuryand property damage.
Provisions should be made to have the instruction manual readilyavailable to the operator and maintenance personnel. If, for anyreason, any parts of the manual become illegible or if the manualis lost, have it replaced immediately. The instruction manualshould be read periodically to refresh ones memory. This mayprevent a serious accident.
Before starting the unit, review Sections II and III of thismanual and be certain that all installation requirements have beenmet and that the purpose and use of each of the controls, warningsare thoroughly understood. The following checklist shall be adheredto before placing the compressor into operation: Remove all looseitems and tools from around the compressor installation. Checkfluid level in the air/fluid reservoir. See Lubrication Section.Check the fan and fan mounting for tightness. Manually rotate thecompressor through enough revolutions to be certain there are nomechanical
This manual describes the operation of the microprocessorcontrol on the QSF Air Compressor. The decal at the right shows thecontrol layout for the electronic control panel. The primarycontrols are on the right hand side of the panel, with the selecteditem being displayed on the LED digits in the top window. The LEDlamps in a vertical row, show the selected display parameter and/orany alarm conditions. On applying system power, the LED statuslights will blink and the numeric display will show the versionnumber of the software code installed. The system will be ready torun, with the 'POWER' lamp on (showing that the control board haspower) and the 'SYSTEM PRESSURE' LED will be lit, showing thepressure on the numeric display. NOTE: A flashing '----' on thedigit display, accompanied with an LED on the left, will signify afaulty sensor; either the pressure transducer or the temperatureprobe. A FAST blinking LED indicates that the labeled function hasbeen tripped; an over-pressure condition or motor overload orReservoir High Air Temperature (HAT) trip. A SLOW blinking LEDindicates that a Differential Pressure (D.P) switch has beentripped. A STEADY LED indicates a service timeout, along with amessage blinking on the display. The controller is programmed withrecommended service intervals on the FLUID FILTER and the AIRfilter. These filters should be checked and serviced whenconvenient. 350c69d7ab