Where To Buy A Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Near Me
Fiddle leaf figs, also known as ficus lyrata, are a variety of flowering plant with large, waxy, dark green leaves shaped like violins, giving them their distinctive name. They are very popular as ornamental trees in outdoor gardens but are also frequently grown as houseplants. Though capable of growing up to fifty feet tall and producing fruit when wild, the houseplant varieties stay shorter and produce no fruit.
where to buy a fiddle leaf fig tree near me
While you can leave your plant in the pot it came in (or in a cute planter of the same dimension) for a while, a healthy fiddle-leaf fig typically needs to be repotted every one to two years to keep growing.
Overview: The Fiddle Leaf Fig is a flowering tree that is native to tropic areas of Western Africa. This ornamental tree is characterized by its broad green leaves that resemble a lyre harp or string fiddle. Although they can reach nearly 40 feet in height in their native habitat, they have become popular as an indoor houseplant and will grow to about six foot maximum. Adult trees will produce green fig fruits.
When it comes to indoor trees, the fiddle leaf fig tree is very popular. The reason why it is so popular and loved by plant lovers is because of its incredible aesthetic features. Having a large fiddle leaf fig tree inside your home means you have a distinct and enormous tree indoors. With heavy veins, stocky stems, and violin-shaped leaves, the tree adds a very prominent aesthetic to your room.
Like most plants and trees native to tropical conditions, the fiddle leaf fig cannot tolerate sunlight at high intensities. Putting the plant under direct sunlight will burn the leaves, even for a short period.
The common indications that make the damage evident for fiddle leaf trees include bleached leaves or brown spots on the leaves. Ultimately, any time the leaves lose their green pigmentation, you can tell that the plant is in dire condition.
Are you curious to know a bit more about the history of fiddle-leaf figs? Before they could be found on Pinterest boards and in trendsetting homes around the world, this species started out in the lowland rainforests of western Africa.
For such a seemingly delicate plant, fiddle-leaf figs can be a touch unmerciful. In the wild, seeds are dropped into the canopy of the forest by birds, bats, or monkeys, where they start their lives if germination is successful.
Ideally, place it near an east facing window where it can bask in the indirect light all day long, without any direct sun in the heat of the afternoon. Too much direct sunlight can cause the leaves to burn, turn brown, and fall off.
Cut stems an inch from a stem or leaf node. The plant will split and grow new branches where you cut it, so keep that in mind as you encourage the shape you want. You should see new growth start within a few weeks if plants are trimmed during the growing season.
Fiddle-leaf figs can be finicky at times, but they can easily thrive with proper conditions and care. They need warmth, humidity, a lot of bright, indirect light, some direct light, and plenty of water. Even though they love water, watch out for overwatering."}},"@type": "Question","name": "How fast does the fiddle-leaf fig grow?","acceptedAnswer": "@type": "Answer","text": "This houseplant can grow 2 feet a year, reaching about 6 to 10 feet in height.","@type": "Question","name": "Will a fiddle-leaf fig grow fruit?","acceptedAnswer": "@type": "Answer","text": "An indoor fiddle-leaf fig houseplant will not produce fruit."]}]}] .icon-garden-review-1fill:#b1dede.icon-garden-review-2fill:none;stroke:#01727a;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round > buttonbuttonThe Spruce The Spruce's Instagram The Spruce's TikTok The Spruce's Pinterest The Spruce's Facebook NewslettersClose search formOpen search formSearch DecorRoom Design
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Fiddle leaf figs love to bask in the sun while indoors. They thrive when placed next to an east-facing window where they will receive consistent all-day sun without being scorched by the afternoon rays. It is also vital to keep them away from drafty areas. They thrive in warm and humid environments, and a drafty spot in your home could stunt their growth. Since they are sun-lovers, it is typical that your plant will start to favor the side facing the window, causing the plant to lean or even tip. To counter this, rotate your tree every few months, and it will even out on its own. Remember to dust its leaves every week or so, so it absorbs light more efficiently. They will not do well in low light or shade.
Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees growing season, spring through fall, is the best time to fertilize them. We recommend fertilizing your Fiddle Leaf Fig tree once a month with high-nitrogen plant food, following label instructions. There are specific fertilizers designed for fiddle-leaf figs available on the market. It is best not to feed your tree in the winter months during their growth dormancy. Doing so could negatively affect their growth season the following year. If you use an organic potting mix with a slow-release fertilizer in the soil, you will not need to fertilize until after six months of potting.
Your Fiddle Leaf Fig's watering schedule should be thoroughly but infrequent. It is best to allow the soil to dry out occasionally between watering. Sometimes, water pours out of the container without being retained by the potting soil. Soaking the dry soil in a small dish or saucer can be a way to solve this problem. It is important not to water the tree's foliage and not over-water them. The tips of the foliage of the Fiddle Leaf Fig will start to turn brown if the plant is either too wet or too dry. If you're unsure, it is always better to let the plant go dry instead of drenching it with water. Fiddle leaf figs enjoy humid air, so a humidifier or spritzing the air around the leaves can help reduce how often you need to water slightly.
Hi, Robin! Do your windows have any kind of treatment filtering the light? Maybe move it further back in the room, and see how it does. Outside air gusts might be a factor too. Is it near an exterior door that is used often? My guy is in our formal living room, where the front door only gets opened to check the mail briefly. Fingers crossed and plant prayers said. Good luck!
Thank you for this post, I bought a fiddle leaf a few weeks ago and love her. My kids and I named her Figgy and she is beautiful! I have a question for you since you have had yours a couple of years, does yours seem to spit brown/black spots on your walls? I wash my walls every couple of days b/c she seems to be spitting something?
The Fiddle Leaf Fig appreciates a warm, humid environment, a fair amount of water and plenty of light. Choose a location away from air vents and drafts where the tree will receive plenty of bright ambient light. Directly in front of, or close by a southern or western facing window is ideal, and eastern exposure can also work as long as the plant is directly in the window and the space feels very bright. A few hours of direct sun is also beneficial. If placed in a full-sun location (where the plant will receive over 6 hours of direct light daily), a humid environment will keep your Fiddle Leaf looking its best. We do not recommend this plant for windows with northern exposure. They will not thrive in low-light locations.
LEFT: An example of overwatering on a dropped leaf. Note the browning spreading through the leaf's veins from the central node (or midrib), a telltale sign that the plant has received excessive water. RIGHT: Brown spotting or holes in the leaves typically signal that the plant isn't receiving enough light. This is common on the lower leaves of the tree, which can become shaded out over time.
The fiddle leaf fig gets its name from the large fiddle or violin shaped leaves. It has even been referred to as the banjo fig. Each leaf has prominent veins, which are visible on both the upper and under side. The leave stand tall and proud when adequately hydrated. When the tree becomes dehydrated the leaves will lose their pride and point downwards.
Fiddle leaf figs are notoriously funky and have earned themselves a reputation. If you are committed and perceptive to your trees needs than you likely will be able to manage its funky moods just fine. The key to making the fiddle leaf fig happy is regular watering and plenty of bright light! 041b061a72